Trump’s Legal Team vs Mueller’s

Trump’s Legal Team vs Mueller’s

Reported by Bloomberg just hours ago:

While Mueller’s investigation is gathering steam, Trump has yet to build a formidable legal operation that could develop a comprehensive defense strategy.

The Bloomberg report stated that the Trump’s team had not organised themselves well enough to go up against Muellers’ legal team.

According to the Bloomberg report, Trump had approach several large law firms to assist him in this matter but unfortunately the firms have all turned him down.

Knowing your opponent’s strength vs your own is very important. Such evaluation should be assessed as early as possible so that you can be rest assured that you have the right legal team representing you in your case.

The following are a few things that need to be considered when you are gathering your own legal team for your case:-


Having a legal team with the right expertise, skill and experience is very important.

Bloomberg reported:

In May, Trump brought on his longtime personal attorney, Marc Kasowitz, to run his legal defense. But Kasowitz quickly fell out of favor with the president’s inner circle and by July had stepped out of his lead role. Although his firm remains available to the president, its expertise is primarily in business litigation and bankruptcy and less so in criminal defense.

The skills of your lawyer must match the case at hand. If the case is a criminal case in nature and you have a team of lawyers who have a lot litigation experience in civil cases only, this may not be a good fit.

As in the case of Trump, the initial appointment of his longtime personal attorney for the job may not be a right fit.

Although having a previous good relationship and experience is an important consideration, if the lawyer does not have the right skill and expertise, it will be quite wrong to hire him to be a part of your legal team.


Matching the seniority of your lawyers with those of your opponent is also an important factor to take into account. If your opponent has a team of lawyers who are senior members of the Bar, it will be to your disadvantage if you were to assemble a team of young lawyers.

Senior members of the Bar command a certain respect from other lawyers, court clerks and Judges. That will work to their advantage when representing clients in a case.

There are many other factors that need to be taken into account when assembling a team of lawyers to represent you in your case. The above are just a few.

BIK Consulting specialises in litigation strategy for dispute resolution. You can also utilise BIK Consulting’s Free Court Case Prediction Tool to predict in advance the outcome of your legal case and areas which need improvement to enhance your chances of winning the case.






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