Category: Litigation Strategy

  • Beyonce sued for using Messy Mya’s words in Formation

    Beyonce sued for using Messy Mya’s words in Formation

    Beyonce is applying to the court to dismiss a lawsuit against the singer arising from her use of Messy Mya’s spoken-word clips in the first single on her critically acclaimed visual album Lemonade. Messy Mya was a New Orleans comedian, whose estates which included her sister, Angel Barre, commenced the law suit against Beyonce seeking for…

  • How to Win Court Case Without Evidence

    How to Win Court Case Without Evidence

    We have been asked this question several times and we felt that maybe this will be a good blog post to write. The most simple answer is yes you can win a case without any evidence. It all depend on the nature of your case. Say for example, if your case hinges solely on point of…

  • Trump’s Legal Team vs Mueller’s

    Trump’s Legal Team vs Mueller’s

    Reported by Bloomberg just hours ago: While Mueller’s investigation is gathering steam, Trump has yet to build a formidable legal operation that could develop a comprehensive defense strategy. The Bloomberg report stated that the Trump’s team had not organised themselves well enough to go up against Muellers’ legal team. According to the Bloomberg report, Trump…

  • Predict Winning of A Court Case

    Predict Winning of A Court Case

    It is definitely not easy to try and predict if a case can be won or not. Why is it important to try and predict the outcome of a case? Take for instance, Abigail Fisher’s case. In 2008, she sued the University of Texas to force the school to reconsider her rejected undergraduate application without taking…

  • How to Win Legal Case in Court

    How to Win Legal Case in Court

    You may have heard this before from your lawyers – the best way to win a legal case in court is to have a good case to pursue. What constitute a good case? Your claim is legitimate; you have all the documents, evidence and witnesses to prove your claim; the law in the jurisdiction where…

  • Litigation Strategy – Benefits of an Early Case Evaluation

    Litigation Strategy – Benefits of an Early Case Evaluation

    In today’s competitive environment, it is not uncommon to find lawyers taking on more cases than they can handle in order to be make up for the competitive rates they offer in terms of the hourly that they charge. As a result, the client may suffer in the long run even though they think they may have…

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