Category: Litigation Funding

  • Litigation Funding in Arbitration Cases

    Litigation Funding in Arbitration Cases

    For many centuries, maintenance and champerty are prohibited under common law. The restrictions arose to combat abuses in medieval England. Unscrupulous nobles and royal officials would lend their names to bolster the credibility of doubtful and fraudulent claims in return for a share of the property recovered. Per Lord Justice Steyn: In modern idiom maintenance…

  • How Does Litigation Funding Help Businesses in Malaysia

    How Does Litigation Funding Help Businesses in Malaysia

    Legal departments are often viewed as a cost centre by organisations. Most legal departments would have some form of a budget, be it yearly, half-yearly or quarterly. However, new litigation cases will normally not be included in the budget. When organisations are faced with litigation, the legal department may need more funds from the company…

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